python-ngram is a package that allows the calculation of the
similarity between two strings using the approach of n-grams.
You might say "Why not use difflib.Sequencematcher". Short answer: They are NOT the same!
Long answer: difflib.Sequencematcher bases it's comparison on the
longest common character chain. So certain strings can have a high
score even though they might differ greatly in length. In some cases
you don't want that. Using n-grams is far less tolerant of different
string lengths. Which method to use depends largely on the task. As a
sidenote, although I have no empyrical proof for that: I
beleive that ngram calculates the score faster.
Project homepage
I'm not familiar with RPM-distributions but as far as I know it should be something like
rpm -i <filename.rpm>
This is something I don't know. If somebody can enlighten me, please do!
Untar the package with you favourite archive tool. On the console it will be something along the lines
tar xzf <filename.tar.gz>
Next, go to the folder just created. It will have the same name as the package (for example "ngram-1.0.0b1") and run:
python install
For this step you need root-priviledges
Execute the executable file and follow the instructions displayed. Default values will be fine in most cases.
Simply follow the same instructions as with the Linux-Source installation.